Violence Prevention

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We're Updating Violence Prevention Training For People Working in Healthcare

Being safe at work is critical to your physical and mental wellbeing.

That’s why the Ministry of Health has asked SWITCH BC, in collaboration with our partners, to update the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum training program to ensure it works for everyone working in healthcare.

What's improving

Violence prevention training program for health authority staff, offered primarily virtually, during pandemic.

One provincewide program available to everyone working in healthcare with different delivery methods (online and in person) and tailored to specific jobs and workplaces.

Some people working in healthcare do not have easy access to violence prevention training.

Equal access to violence prevention training for everyone working in healthcare where required.
Content last updated in 2016, with no official ownership of the program for responsive timely updates.
SWITCH BC will develop and maintain current best practices, including trauma-informed practice and cultural humility, throughout the training and build a sustainable process for ongoing curriculum updates.

Everyone working in healthcare has the right to be safe and healthy, to thrive on the job and to return home safely to family and friends. Your ideas will make the violence prevention training work in all healthcare workplaces. Thank you!

We're Updating Violence Prevention Training For People Working in Healthcare

Being safe at work is critical to your physical and mental wellbeing.

That’s why the Ministry of Health has asked SWITCH BC, in collaboration with our partners, to update the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum training program to ensure it works for everyone working in healthcare.

What's improving

Violence prevention training program for health authority staff, offered primarily virtually, during pandemic.

One provincewide program available to everyone working in healthcare with different delivery methods (online and in person) and tailored to specific jobs and workplaces.

Some people working in healthcare do not have easy access to violence prevention training.

Equal access to violence prevention training for everyone working in healthcare where required.
Content last updated in 2016, with no official ownership of the program for responsive timely updates.
SWITCH BC will develop and maintain current best practices, including trauma-informed practice and cultural humility, throughout the training and build a sustainable process for ongoing curriculum updates.

Everyone working in healthcare has the right to be safe and healthy, to thrive on the job and to return home safely to family and friends. Your ideas will make the violence prevention training work in all healthcare workplaces. Thank you!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    SWITCH BC is updating the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum (PVPC) training program to better prepare healthcare workers to deal with workplace violence. Hearing directly from the people working in B.C. healthcare will help ensure the refreshed program is useful and relevant to a wide range of workers.   

    The questionnaire below will anonymously collect information on how the current training is meeting participants’ needs in relation to the work they do, their work setting, and the kind of violence they experience (for example a nurse in a remote, small unit may need different kinds of training compared to a health care aide in a large urban care home). 

    Although this questionnaire does not ask you to share specific incidences of violence, workplace violence can be hard to talk about. Your workplace may provide employer paid mental health supports, such as an Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) or extended health coverage for sessions with a mental health professional. If you experience distress, we encourage you to contact your manager, union representative, or HR team member for information, or look into the options below. 

    Thank you for your service and your input to improving this important training. 

    Definition of ‘violence’ as currently defined in the Provincial Violence Prevention Curriculum:

    Incidents where people are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, involving a direct or indirect challenge to their safety, wellbeing or health. Violence may be intentional or unintentional. Violence may be physical or verbal. (PVPC, 2017)

    Complete the Questionnaire
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Page last updated: 09 Nov 2023, 01:35 PM